Sunday, October 6, 2013

A bridge with a view

The most beautiful scene I have witnessed while in Edmonton is the view from over the groat bridge which is on top of the Saskatchewan river. Everyday as i commute from my home to office i look at the scenery on this entire stretch of groat road. There is not a building in site, all we can see are the trees dotting the banks of the winding river. I have been able to see this landscape in all its beautiful forms throughout the year and it appears beautiful every day of every season. In the fall the trees on the banks of the river change colour to golden yellow and their reflections shimmer on the water creating an illusion of lights dancing in the water. As autumn comes to an end the sun rises later and later till most of the times i am able to catch the sky before sunrise in all its pinkish-purplish glory. That sky has made me time and again lament the fact, that i cannot paint because that is what i  want to do when i see it. As fall turns to winter, there is a layer of snow covering everything and sometimes if there is enough sunlight you can see the coniferous trees sparkling and i feel as if i am in some kind of enchanted place where there is magic in air and  i will  santa claus and his reindeers will burst into view any time . The river in winter is completely frozen and it makes one wonder, if there was even a river there in the first place.
As the river water starts melting you can see big chunks of ice floating in the river, heralding the arrival of spring. Even though the coniferous trees are looking as serious as always, some of the other trees have started forlicking, sprouting new leaves in delirious happiness. At this time the view from the bridge has completely changed, whereas in winter one could see a silver blanket covering the trees, now there is a lush green blanket.
 Each season here is beautiful in its own way and the transitory nature of most of the seasons (except maybe winter) makes one appreciate every season.

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